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Assessment is an essential part of the learning and development of children in the EYFS. It involves practitioners observing children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and to then shape learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations.


On entry to Reception we carry out baseline assessments for each child. This usually takes place within the first 6 weeks of school. These assessments form the basis of target setting for the year ahead in EYFS. The data and targets are shared with Headteacher, Governors and Trustees.


To ensure we have evidence of a child’s progress in the EYFS we use a range of strategies all of which come together in their Learning Journey. The Learning Journeys are a collection of children’s work, photos and observations which create a detailed picture of the child. Where appropriate, we include individual next steps for children’s learning. These next steps are discussed by the EYFS team in informal meetings after school each day and in the weekly planning meetings, these next steps inform planning for the next day and week ahead. Staff have their own iPad which is used to capture and note observations and next steps for learning using the app 2Simple. These observations are regularly shared with parents and carers. Parents and Carers are encouraged to contribute to Learning Journeys through the use of our WOW vouchers. WOW vouchers are where significant events that happen at home can be recorded, they are available in bookbags and are completed at home and then brought into school to share. There are also termly Parents meetings where individual progress can be discussed.


 The Class Teacher submits end of term assessment data to the Head Teacher showing each child’s development across the seven areas of learning. This allows us to measure pupil progress and ensure that individuals are on track to meet expectations. This data is shared with Governors and Trustees.


At the end of Reception, the class teacher assesses each child against the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG) and comments on whether their development within each ELG is either ‘emerging’, ‘expected’ or ‘exceeding’. This information is also communicated to parents and carers in the Reception child’s end of year report and can be discussed in the final Parents’ Evening. The Learning Journey is given to parents at the end of the year.
