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At Kemble we follow the Letterjoin handwriting scheme of learning and use their interactive resources to model good letter formation and joins. We share Letterjoin log ins with parents to enable pupils to practice their skills at home.

Handwriting lessons always involve teacher modelling and pupils have time to practise key joins and/or letter formation. 

Follow this link to find out more about letterjoin’s scheme of work:


Oak Class (Reception)

In line with recent changes to the EYFS curriculum, children entering Oak Class are now taught handwriting using a non cursive script, with no "leading in" lines. They are taught correct letter formation and encouraged to hold their pen or pencil correctly and comfortably. Children are encouraged to mark-make throughout the day to support their fine motor skills, which in turn helps them with their handwriting. 


Beech Class (Years One and Two)

In Beech class children continue with frequent handwriting lessons. In Year One children will continue to practice their joining skills and are introduced to the letter families. In Year Two children continue to refine their handwriting, developing stamina and fluency. Handwriting lessons in Year 2 allow pupils to practice their grammar and spelling.


Horse Chestnut Class (Years 3 and 4)

In Lower Key Stage 2, pupils are taught handwriting several times a week with the focus on legibility, size and consistency.


Chestnut Class (Years 5 and 6)

By the time pupils reach Upper Key Stage 2, it is expected that their handwriting is speedy, fluent, legible and tidy. Pupils continue with the handwriting scheme several times a week, building on their automacity and stamina for sustained pieces of writing. 
