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How are the teachers in school helped to work with children with an SEND and what training do they receive?

- The SENDCo’s job is to support the class teacher in planning for children with SEND

- Whole school training is given to staff as and when appropriate

- Staff who need additional training are either sent on training courses, or are provided with in house training when needed.

- The SENDCO is involved with the SEND cluster group based in the South Cotswolds.

- EP and Advisory Teaching Service advisors are involved in training and advice for TAs and staff as well as NHS health specialists such as Speech and Language Therapy.

- Services who visit the school to help with support/advice and training:

o Parent Support Advisor

o Occupational Health Service

o Advisory Teaching Service for Hearing Impaired, Communication and Interaction

o Educational Psychology Service

o School Nurse

o Specialist Health Advisors (e.g. Diabetes team)

o Speech and Language team
